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Unity Playworks Plugin supports DoTween up to version 1.2.705.

DOTween is an object-oriented animation engine for Unity, available as an open source plugin. For more information, check out the DOTween website.

This guide is for developers who are using DOTween in their Unity projects as DLLs.

Unity Playworks Plugin handles the use of the DOTween DLLs for you automatically. You do not need to take any further action to use DOTween in your playable ad.

DOTween Pro

Source files for DOTween Pro are unfortunately not available and DLLs are currently unsupported. Its likely that DOTween Pro features will fail export because of this limitation.

Find out more about the limitations of Playworks Plugin here.


The DOShakeScale function can cause Array out of range errors in Unity Playworks Plugin if floats are used for the 'duration' & 'vibrato' inputs.

To avoid this issue arising please ensure that 'duration' & 'vibrato' are set to integers.

Instructions for Unity Playworks Plugin versions older than 1.0.0

Click here
  1. Download or clone the DOTween source code on GitHub.
  2. In your Unity project remove the following from the DOTween root folder:
  • DOTween.dll
  • DOTween.mdb
  • DOTween.xml
  • Editor folder


After recompilation you will receive many errors - dont worry, these will be fixed in the next step!

  1. Inside the DOTween folder in Unity, create a new folder called “DOTweenSources”
  2. Navigate to the source code you downloaded in step 1, and move the scripts from the DOTween source folder (_DOTween.Assembly => DOTween) to the newly created folder.


  1. After importing the script, please delete the Properties folder, and DOTween.csproj.


  1. At this stage you will still have errors related to missing scripts. In your Resources folder, you will find the DOTweenSettings asset which will have a missing script. Simply drag the DOTweenSettings.cs file (Demigiant/DOTween/DOTweenSources/Core/DOTweenSettings.cs) into the missing script or locate it using the window.


Please note, parts of the DOTween source code may include scripting defines which will cause Unity Playworks Plugin to ignore this code during compilation. You will need to add UNITY_ Unity Playworks Plugin to the define conditions in order to include this code in Luna.
  1. Finally, in the Playworks Plugin window (Tools/Playworks Plugin ) open the Advanced tab and check the Additional Generic Check setting.


Additional step for older versions of DOTween

If you use an older version of DOTween (without the modules folder), then there is an additional required step.

  1. Navigate to the source code you downloaded in step 1, and move the following folders from the DOTween source folder (_DOTween.Assembly) to the DOTween folder in your Unity project:
  • DOTween43
  • DOTween46
  • DOTween50

You must then delete the Properties folder, and DOTween.csproj from these three modules.
