Release Notes - Playworks Plugin
You can download the latest version of Playworks Plugin from your Unity Playworks account.
Version 6.2.1 - 3th December, 2024
- [EN-4055] - [Hotfix] Fix for сrash during export in Unity 2022.3
Version 6.2.0 - 5th November, 2024
- [EN-3962] - WebGL1/2 shaders runtime switch support. Read more here
- [EN-3987] - [WebGL] Implement DepthTexture additional formats
- [EN-3993] - Remove Ironsource DAPI platform
- [EN-3999] - VideoPlayer and VideoClip API support
Missing API
- [EN-3994] - Implement Canvas.pixelRect API
- [EN-3995] - Implement Light.range API
- [EN-4002] - Implement Camera.cameraType API
- [EN-4004] - Implement font.material
- [EN-3990] - Fix for ironSource tool crush with Unexpected token '=' message
- [EN-4014] - Fix for DevEnv - failed to execute btoa on window for fields with non ASCII symbols
- [EN-3992] - Fix - RuntimeInitializeOnLoad throws exception
- [EN-4018] - Show logs if phc is empty and build is broken
Version 6.1.1 - 12th September, 2024
- [EN-3990] - [IronSource platform] Fix issue with playables crashes
Version 6.1.0 - 3th September, 2024
- [EN-3985] - [Chrome 128] Fix uniform infinity error
- [EN-3928] - [Animation] BlendTree support
- [EN-3932] - [Animation] Layers support
- [EN-3973] - Luna renaming
- [EN-3976] - Animator Layer Sync
- [EN-3977] - Animator Layer Mask
- [EN-3979] - [Animator] Has Exit Time doesn't work correctly
- [EN-3963] - WebGL2 feature - wrap textures support
- [EN-3964] - WebGL2 feature - index int32 support
Bug fixes
- [EN-3966] - Change reset password URL
- [EN-3931] - Methods PlayOnAwake & Play called one-by-one cause error
- [EN-3972] - Fix error CS0576: Namespace '' contains a definition conflicting with alias 'AnimatorController'
- [EN-3981] - Black stripe in facebook test tool
- [EN-3900] - Switch Brotli to a Wasm compiled version
- [EN-3909] - Stub popular unity packages
- [EN-3971] - Fix \r\n escaping for trampolines
- [EN-3982] - Update Plugin localisation
Version 6.0.0 - 17th June, 2024
- [EN-3815] - Integrate SyntaxTransformer into LPP
- Syntax transform introduces support for some features of modern C#(8.0, 9.0). Read more here
- [EN-3541] - Linear color space support
- Now you can enable Linear Color Space in Unity Player settings to get better lighting for 3d scenes. Only available for WebGL2. See Unity docs for more
- [EN-3689] - Shader Export for WebGL2
- In order to support WebGL2
- [EN-3871] - Unity 2022.3 support
Loading time improvements
- [EN-3862] - Remove redundant callbacks during the preloader phase
- Improves loading time (startup time)
- [EN-3886] - Shader compilation optimisation for several scenes
- Improves loading time as variants not existing in scene won’t be compiled
- [EN-3900] - Switch Brotli to a Wasm compiled version
- Improves loading time for content decompression
- [EN-3911] - Components loading process improved
- [EN-3888] - Bridge solution auto-ref-orization
- Greatly reduces pressure on garbage collector for C# internal api using structs
- [EN-3905] - Reduce amount of RAM used by playables
- [EN-3531] - [LPP window] remove preloader section
- Preloader section were moved from plugin side to playground side. You can find the Preloader section in Unity Playworks’s Editor
- [EN-3894] - Preloader UX improvements
- The preloader is now visible immediately after launching a playable game. Previously, a black screen could appear for some time on older devices.
- [EN-3877] - Add Mraid event listeners for YouAppi platform
- [EN-3887] - Add Kayzen export platform
- [EN-3906] - Enable Sound for Google Ads platform
- [EN-3850] - Change all stubs errors to warning type
- Now not implemented API won’t stop execution of the program as it might be not crucial for actual logic. Please pay attention to Developer’s Console in your browser
- [EN-3851] - Implement missing GUILayoutUtility.GetRect stub with 3 args
- [EN-3852] - AnimationClip.frameRate setter stubbed
- [EN-3845] - Add ParticleSystem.SetCustomParticleData & ParticleSystem.GetCustomParticleData stubs
- [EN-3870] - Add MenuItemAttribute stubs
- [EN-3892] - Add RenderPipelineManager stubs
Bug fixes
- [EN-2142] - Fix particle system incorrect rendering using URP shaders (back renders before front face)
- [EN-3638] - Fix - GraphicRaycaster.ignoreReversedGraphics is always enabled
- [EN-3854] - Trail renderer missing alpha fix
- [EN-3855] - Fix bug selecting mesh in sizebreakdown tab
- [EN-3857] - Fix - spine animation texture rendering incorrectly in Luna
- [EN-3858] - ['Build & Upload' tab] Sorted Applications and Concepts
- [EN-3860] - Fix shader patching to make it work with webgl2 shaders
- [EN-3862] - Remove redundant callbacks during the preloader phase
- [EN-3863] - Fix bug with batching patch
- [EN-3865] - Fix particle shader patching for WebGL2
- [EN-3874] - Fix low quality of texture filtering
- [EN-3875] - URP shader variant fix
- [EN-3878] - Fix - OnCollisionEnter2D may receive ContactPoint2D with swapped actors
- [EN-3883] - Fix the issue when Shadows Rendering affects screens recalculations
- [EN-3884] - Fix the possible incorrect behaviour when we try GraphNode.setPosition after screen - dirtification
- [EN-3885] - Fix the Incorrect runtime sprite creation. Exception if try to use as 9 sliced
- [EN-3889] - Fix for Collider.OnTriggerExit - not triggered
- [EN-3897] - Fix normal mapping in URP project
- [EN-3902] - Fix video data URI loading for iOS 17.4
- [EN-3908] - Fix external video data URI loading for iOS 17.4
- [EN-3913] - Fix the shader crush after rebuild develop
- [EN-3914] - Fix the issue when ShadowMapTexture is undefined if shadows is disabled
- [EN-3926] - Fix the issue when Spine 4.0 breaks mesh due triangle clipping
- [EN-3929] - Fix incorrect subShader export based on platformMask
- [EN-3930] - Excluding unused files found by SyntaxTransformer may break project - fix
- [EN-3934] - Fix - pluginSVC isn't wipe correctly
- [EN-3935] - SimpleHttpServer fix utf-8 content
- [EN-3946] - Shader migration fix
- [EN-3947] - Fix for Runtime vertex buffer wrong data / Export mesh error
- [EN-3948] - Fix extra shaders being added to platform build
- [EN-3949] - Fix the issue when Physics2D.OverlapXXXAll may return duplicates
- [EN-3952] - Unhandled exception during video loading - fix
- [EN-3955] - Fix - Particle system with pre-multiplied texture sparks looses alpha on linear color - space
- [EN-3956] - Missing shader variant in export. Webgl2 fix
- [EN-3957] - Shader not found error on startup - fix
- [EN-400] - Implement RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod attribute
- [EN-3851] - Implement missing GUILayoutUtility.GetRect stub with 3 args
- [EN-3852] - Add AnimationClip.frameRate setter
- [EN-3853] - Improve error logging during the build phase
- [EN-3864] - Add track of missing/wrong dependencies
- [EN-3868] - Implement GraphicsSettings.currentRenderPipeline
- [EN-3869] - Update package info
- [EN-3886] - Shader compilation optimisation for several scenes
- [EN-3888] - Apply SyntaxTransformer to Bridge solution to bring auto-ref-orization
- [EN-3891] - Add phrase for PHC core section without critical issues in it
- [EN-3893] - Slicing sprite sheet texture via code
- [EN-3900] - Switch Brotli to a Wasm compiled version
- [EN-3933] - Add missed SortingGroup property
- [EN-3951] - SRGB8 support
Version 5.5.0 - 20th December, 2023
- [EN-3835] - Startup optimisations
Bug fixes
- [EN-3832] - Fix error where URP/Lit shader doesn't get compiled
- [EN-3839] - Fix Sound instance muting not in all cases
- [EN-3841] - Fix for the issue - LPP doesn't catch fatal bridge exceptions and wrongly report that the build is fine
- [EN-3846] - Orientation change fix for iOS
- [EN-3825] - [LPP window] Clear Advanced settings
- [EN-3838] - Improve all LP1XXX and LP2XXX PHC Error Messages
- [EN-3842] - Implement missing Camera API
- [EN-3844] - Add missing GUILayoutUtility methods stubs
Version 5.4.0 - 24th November, 2023
- [EN-3793] - [Avatar] Add RootMotion support
- [EN-3814] - [SizeBreakdown] Apply settings changes on multi-selected assets & components counter
Unity Playworks Plugin Compiler v2
- [EN-3806] - [Unity Playworks Plugin Compiler v2] Rework compiler v2 to preprocessing step for compiler v1
- [EN-3807] - [Unity Playworks Plugin Compiler v2] Fix issue with negative substring index
- [EN-3739] - [SizeBreakdown] Fix the issue when SB can't list assets with the same name
- [EN-3799] - [PHC] Add new PHC message that detect is gameEnded event is added
- [EN-3811] - Fix sliced sprite pivot calculated wrong
- [EN-3812] - Adding stubbed component to GO may result in deserialization failure
- [EN-3813] - SpriteMask & Sorting Group fixes
- [EN-3816] - Fix issue when Player prefs crashes the game when “block third-party cookies“ is enabled
- [EN-3821] - Fix the issue when Reflection probe blending on a scene with missing skybox/reflection probes produces color offsets
- [EN-3823] - Fix for redundant transform hierarchy callback invocation during scenes deserialization
- [EN-3826] - Fix the issue - playable starts with sound even when it's muted on IS platform
- [EN-3827] - Implement Animator.isHuman & Animator.hasRootMotion API
- [EN-3828] - Fix the issue - Spine & Dynamic Batching leads to VRAM leak
- [EN-3829] - Reduce constructor overhead in Bridge
Version 5.3.0 - 4th October, 2023
- [EN-3572] - Animator Avatar Support
- [EN-3736] - WebGL2 basic implementation
Fixes and improvements
Missing API
- [EN-3688] - Add missing System stubs
- [EN-3744] - Implement GL.invertCulling API
- [EN-3748] - Implement missing Application class API
- [EN-3758] - Add missing animationClip API
- [EN-3653] - Shaders export rework
- [EN-3751] - Fix 2022.3 compiler errors
- [EN-3760] - [Project Diagnostics] Return missing LP1028 code
- [EN-3763] - Disable treating warnings as errors on compilation
- [EN-3768] - [Project Diagnostics] Add details to LP1032 error code
- [EN-3789] - Startup Tool improvement
- [EN-3796] - [LPP window] Unifying checkbox layout
- [EN-3805] - Fix Audio Volume change listeners
- [EN-3787] - Fix broken compiler v2 on mac
Version 5.2.0 - 19th July, 2023
- [EN-3614] - Animator performance improvement
- [EN-3688] - Add missing UnityEngine stubs
Fixes and improvements
Particle System
- [EN-3693] - ParticleSystem velocity data rework - stable LimitVelocityOverLifetime module
- [EN-3734] - Particle system Velocity over lifetime - radial feature
- [EN-3740] - Particle system Velocity over lifetime - orbital & orbital offset
Missing API
- [EN-3665] - Add missing stubs for File methods
- [EN-3691] - BasicAPI - UnityEngine.Time
- [EN-3717] - Implement missing stubs for System.IO.Directory class
- [EN-3718] - Implement missing stubs for UnityException API
- [EN-3725] - Implement missing Input API - simulateMouseWithTouches and deviceOrientation
- [EN-3730] - Implement string.ToLowerInvariant and string.ToUpperInvariant methods
- [EN-3731] - Implement Light.Shadows property
- [EN-3733] - Implement Material.IsKeywordEnabled method
- [EN-3745] - Implement Skybox class
- [EN-3178] - Hide the Creative Name’s textfield when a creative is selected for update existing
- [EN-3695] - [PHC] The bug where Several errors are displayed for different big meshes
- [EN-3742] - [PHC] The bug related to using mesh rather than GameObject for error LP1034
- [EN-3752] - Prevent Users from unmuting sound on Platforms with disabled sound by system
- [EN-3702] - [Spine] Spine animation not working correctly with the native JS implementation
- [EN-3724] - Bug related to Mintegral test tool - canvas.clientWidth/clientHeight is 0
- [EN-3729] - Incorrect editor pass tags parsing fix
- [EN-3735] - The bug where AudioSource.PlayOneShot decreases volume to zero when called repeatedly
- [EN-3746] - Fix for freeze Playworks Plugin window during pass keywords extraction
Starting from package version 5.2.0, support for Unity 2019 is deprecated.
Version 5.1.0 - 18th May, 2023
New Features
- [EN-3652] - Added new PHC check for meshes with triangle values higher than 65k (LP1034)
- [EN-3678] - Support for the Mobi platform has been implemented
- [EN-3696] - Support for the Adikteev platform has been implemented
- [EN-3532] - The QR code for local device debugging now includes PG fields and arguments
Fixes and improvements
Size Breakdown
- [EN-3710] - Fix for Size breakdown failing when Runtime Analysis contains classes with empty body
- [EN-3680] - Fix for Size breakdown preview not showing
- [EN-3686] - Exceptions are now properly handled when attempting to pass an invalid state (without a layer) to the Animator
- [EN-3681] - The object type serialization bug causing export failure has been resolved
- [EN-3698] -
API has been implemented - [EN-3122] - The bug where the scene initializes its settings twice has been resolved
- [EN-3676] - The bug of the
component being active when the connectedRigidbody
is not set has been resolved - [EN-3683] - The bug related to instantiating disabled objects using script references has been fixed
- [EN-3700] - The issue causing memory corruption when removing a
with an attachedRigidbody2D
has been fixed - [EN-3719] - Fix for preloader background resetting to white by default
Version 5.0.0 - 12th April, 2023
New Features
- [EN-3504] - Added support for Dynamic Batching 2D and 3D
- [EN-3502] - Implemented Physics2D WASM
- [EN-3669] - The missing overloads for the most popular methods of Physics2D have been implemented
- [EN-3656] - The missing overloads for the most popular methods of Rigidbody2D have been implemented
- [EN-3659] - The missing overloads for the most popular methods of Collider2D have been implemented
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2599] - Fix for
uniform in URP - [EN-3617] - Fix for
breaking the shaders export
- [EN-3456] - The store links previously available in the Ad Network Settings tab have been removed and should be configured within the Application Settings in Unity Playworks
- [EN-3590] - Fixed the issue of some error messages in PHC not displaying in user's selected language
- [EN-3630] - Fixed the log description details in Project Diagnostics not being fully readable
Automatic Stubbing
- [EN-3665] - Added missing stubs for
- [EN-2334] - The issue causing a memory leak due to a Native Collection not being disposed of has been resolved
- [EN-3629] - The problem in DOTween related to integer casting, which was not correctly flooring values, has been resolved
- [EN-3634] - Fix for prefab initialization linked by a list not being as effective as using
to initialize a prefab with a parent - [EN-3660] - Fixed incorrect SkeletonClipping behaviour
- [EN-3666] - Fixed incorrect default Cubemap
- [EN-3668] - Fixed incorrect export for NormalMaps in Unity 2020.3+
- [EN-3672] - If there is an initialization crash, a verbose error message will be displayed in the browser console
Version 4.6.0 - 20th February, 2023
New Features
- [EN-3514] - Unity 2020.3 URP support
- [EN-1196] - Implemented optional VAO support
- [EN-3425] - Introduced Character Controller PD check
- [EN-3426] - Implemented Physical Camera option
- [EN-1688] - Added support for
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-3510] - Removed Additional Generic Check toggle from the Settings -> Advanced tab in the plugin window
- [EN-3558] - Removed "send component to Unity" from Chrome Extension
- [EN-3575] - Added DOTween Pro stubs
- [EN-3605] - Improved particle aabb calculation
- [EN-3491] - [Resources] The source file "lunaDevConfig.json" is added if you make the package yourself
- [EN-3556] - Fixed enum related chrome extension crashes
- [EN-3574] - Fixed Particle Culling calculating wrongly
- [EN-3596] - Fixed Duplicated Preserve attribute class
- [EN-3600] - Fixed Build & Upload applicationID not being set properly
- [EN-3616] - Fixed handle exceptions when passing invalid layer / state to Animator
- [EN-3620] - Fixed Particles/Standard Unlit is missing error
- [EN-3621] - Fixed lazy prefabs not initializing for assigned variable
- [EN-3571] - Fixed
are considered as pixel lights in URP after asset settings change - [EN-3513] - Updated DOTween sources to the last version
- [EN-3497] - Added missing stubs for File methods
- [EN-3555] - Added check for
Version 4.5.0 - 20th January, 2023
The Unity Playworks Plugin Chrome extension could not be compatible with this package. Please update the extension to version
.New Features
- [EN-3476] - Added support for Native JS Spine
- [EN-3490] - Implemented
Animation.Stop(string name)
method - [EN-3498] - Implemented
method with 3 arguments
Fixes and improvements
Playable Health Check
- [EN-3479] - External sources are excluded if they are not found when starting a build
Project Diagnostics
- [EN-3393] - The Issue Details section now allows you to copy the text
- [EN-3492] - Improved documentation buttons in the plugin's window
- [EN-3481] - Added missing tooltips in the plugin's window
- [EN-3473] - Improved performance for 2D Physics
- [EN-3369] - Fix for
being affected by the Loop setting - [EN-3419] - Fix for Unity 2020.3 URP Lit shaders missing after export
- [EN-3485] - Fix for
keyword not being collected for Lit second subShader - [EN-3495] - A fix has been made for Playable accidentally excluding the Prefabs module when it is used within a project
- [EN-3512] - Fix for Script Execution Order breaking for a namespace nested classes
- [EN-3414] - Improved Bridge
for startup codebase initialization - [EN-3523] - Added warning about
being called for inactive game objects
Version 4.4.0 - December 29th, 2022
New Features
- [EN-3415] - Added additional checks for unsupported packages (LP1032) in Playable Health Check
- [EN-3377] - The
Auto-Instantiate Prefabs
option has been reworked
Fixes and improvements
Playable Health Check
- [EN-3390] - Fix for PHC tab not containing information on core errors after a build failed
- [EN-3488] - Fix for PHC tab getting cleared after building a project with Build Develop (Code only)
Runtime Analysis
- [EN-3464] - Added
method to whitelist for Runtime Analysis
- [EN-3423] - Fix for camera moving twice when its parent is changed
- [EN-3446] - Fixed Firebase stub generation issues
- [EN-3467] - Fixed
not updating after offset is applied - [EN-3468] - Fix for the
callback not being triggered for kinematic movements - [EN-3472] - All text is now translated after language change
- [EN-3477] - Fix for Unity Playworks Plugin window breaking and error messages in the console appearing when
is deleted - [EN-3482] - The line height of generated font assets has been fixed
- [EN-3496] - Fixed build failing with Unknown Error when trying to run Code Diagnostics after deleting the LunaTemp folder
Version 4.3.0 - December 12th, 2022
New Features
- [EN-2903] - Implemented a new feature: Dynamic Batching
- Playable Health Check:
- [EN-3268] - Introducing the Fix All button, to quickly fix all automatically-fixable issues
- [EN-3255] - Added additional checks for external plugin versions that Unity Playworks Plugin supports (LP1026, LP1027)
- [EN-3263] - Added additional checks for Avatar animations (LP1029)
- [EN-3316] - Added additional checks for activating Shaders Runtime Analysis (LP1031)
Fixes and improvements
Playable Health Check
- [EN-3329] - Project Diagnostics prints where the unexpected token is when ASCII characters are used
- [EN-3395] - Fixed Playable.InstallFullGame() not being detected by Project Diagnostics if it has parameters passed in
- [EN-3276] - Added error when using Tag and UIRoot in scripts as they are reserved keywords (error will display under under 'core functionality' in the plugin window)
Size Breakdown
- [EN-3385] - Fix for the preview getting the image card from the previous element Particles
- [EN-3420] - Mesh assignment produces exception
- [EN-3160] - The sounds preview plays the compressed plugin-build version after the file has been rebuilt
- [EN-3386] - Warning in preview section when there is no corresponding file in the Unity Playworks Plugin build to show
Runtime Analysis
- [EN-3325] - Optimised shader stripping window
- [EN-3342] - Scenes' paths appear shorter when the folder path is too long
- [EN-3396] - Fixed broken UI and errors in the Unity console after opening the Build and Upload tab
- [EN-3267] - Added validation for Fonts tab
- [EN-2789] - SubMeshes have been reimplemented to behave more like Unity's
- [EN-2896] - Implemented all
APIs - [EN-2198] - Fix for Playworks Plugin crashing when any of the BlendTree motions is null
- [EN-2870] - Fix for
causing black screen and a number of errors in Luna - [EN-3317] - A fix has been made to prevent the freezing of tooltips when the window is not focused
- [EN-3322] - Added an exception handler for BlendShapes that are not imported in Unity
- [EN-3339] - Added a fix for
throwing a Null Reference Exception - [EN-3363] - Fix for builds that are uploaded to Unity Playworks successfully while there are critical errors in Playable Health Check
- [EN-3380] - Fixed the delay in animation transitions with exit time
- [EN-3387] - Fixed issue with
not keeping the correct source vertex format - [EN-3394] - Blur image effect support has been fixed
- [EN-3406] - Fix for Graphics.Blit not working correctly in Unity Playworks Plugin and issues with the GL static constructor
- [EN-3419] - URP 2020.3 - Fix for unsupported sub shaders of the Lit shader getting exported
Version 4.2.0 - November 11th, 2022
New Features
- [EN-3187] - Added additional checks for unsupported Atlas Population Mode in Playable Health Check (LP1030)
- [EN-3269] - Optimise export with caching option has been reworked and fixed:
- plugin config files now affect the cache state
- A fix was made to prevent the cache from resetting whenever Unity is closed
- Cache resets when updating Playworks Plugin to another version
- Fixed a bug where a Cancelled or Failed build still affects the Build button to change as if there is cached data (The export cache should be created only on successfully completed build)
- [EN-3264] - New documentation page for Playworks Plugin hotkeys
- [EN-3226] - Implemented support for DV360 platform export
Fixes and improvements
Size Breakdown
- [EN-3243] - Moved fonts from Texture List to Font List
- [EN-3350] - Fix for Size Breakdown causing the plugin window to turn black
Playable Health Check
- [EN-3315] - Fixed issue with PHC removing all generated statuses when using Code Diagnostics after code initialisation
External JS/C# Tab
- [EN-3308] - External paths that have been lost turn red without needing to reinitialise scripts
Runtime Analysis
- [EN-3327] - Improved Runtime Analysis to rely on the previous development build in order to determine the next build's excluded modules
- [EN-3241] - Fixed Touch emulator for ad networks test tools
- [EN-3323] - Remote debugging warnings have been hidden for Unity Playworks builds
- [EN-3326] - In the "Scene in Build" settings, the scenes' paths are now identical to the ones in the "Build Settings"
- [EN-2244] - An issue with Animator layers having duplicate states if they have the same state name has been resolved
- [EN-2902] - Fixed
Physics2d BoxShape._setAsBox
reset causes issues with undefined - [EN-3309] - Fixed error when the
component is disabled - [EN-3319] - A remote resource sync is performed after a package change is made
- [EN-3332] - Fix for .NET version check for Windows
- [EN-3337] - Fix for some devices where shadows are not rendered correctly because of light selection
- [EN-3357] - Fix for export failing if keywords are not defined for shader passes
Version 4.1.0 - October 14th, 2022
New Features
- [EN-3218] - Introducing a new Autofix Button for Runtime Analysis Warning (LP1014) in Playable Health Check
- [EN-3185] - Introducing a new Autofix Button for Unsupported TMP version (LP1015) in Playable Health Check
- [EN-3219] - Introducing a new Autofix Button for Animation Compression (LP1017) in Playable Health Check
- [EN-3220] - Introducing a new Autofix Button for Mesh Compression (LP1018) in Playable Health Check
- [EN-3244] - Introducing a new Autofix Button for C# errors that can be fixed by enabling Unity Playworks Plugin Compiler v2 in Playable Health Check
- [EN-3222] - Added additional checks for unsupported
APIs in Playable Health Check (LP3013) - [EN-3258] - Added an additional verification check to ensure users are running the correct Unity version (LP1028) in Playable Health Check
- [EN-3270] - Dev Environment: Added a QR code for opening development builds from a local IP address on different devices (documentation)
- [EN-3272] - Introducing Remote Debugging for platform builds (documentation)
- [EN-3177] - Added tooltips to Unity Playworks Plugin window
Fixes and improvements
Playable Health Check
- [EN-3292] - Removed search panel from Playable Health Check tab
Dev Environment
- [EN-3291] - Removed "Use Dev Env" option from Unity Playworks Plugin Basic Settings window
- [EN-3285] - Changed the Dev Environment's style to prioritize the device preview when using browser's dev tools
Unity Playworks Plugin Compiler V2
- [EN-3293] - Fixed build failing when whitespace character is in the project path
Build and Upload Section
- [EN-3290] - Fixed the issue where the drop-down list of available creatives did not display creatives that shared too many of the same characters
- [EN-3283] - Fix for an issue where creatives would not get selected for the first time in the drop-down list of available creatives
- [EN-3247] - Fix for the list of available creatives not updating when switching applications
- [EN-3252] - Fix for the "Build and Upload" button not being disabled when the creative name is empty
- [EN-3250] - Added tooltips for long application or creative names
Runtime Analysis
- [EN-3246] - Fix for Runtime Analysis not updating excluded elements correctly when using the search filtering
Size Breakdown
- [EN-3242] - Added Cubemaps to the appropriate list and displayed correct previews and settings
- [EN-3240] - Removed extra code calculation from Size Breakdown
- [EN-3239] - Added a background for mesh preview in Size Breakdown
- [EN-3279] - Fixed the "Recalculate Asset Size" button overlapping the preview image
- [EN-3235] - Changed build buttons colors to blue
- [EN-3297] - Changed "Build Develop" and "Build and Upload" buttons color in plugin's light theme
- [EN-3237] - Fixed UI warning icon size in "Build and Upload" section
- [EN-3149] - Added Mraid support to the Moloco platform
- [EN-3081] - Fixed
Pragma multi_compile
choosing incorrect shader variant in Unity Playworks Plugin build - [EN-3298] - Fixed
not invokingpi.logGameEnd()
- [EN-3280] - Added Cubemaps in Assets, Textures and Size Breakdown tabs
- [EN-3271] - Error handling for a billboard particle with a disabled camera has been added (maybe remove)
- [EN-3261] - Fix for nesting a third level of enumerators
- [EN-3202] - Fixed undefined behaviour if shader uses an empty
slot - [EN-3190] - Fixed
deserialiser error when the component is disabled - [EN-3129] - Google Ads: added Google Ads orientation option
- [EN-3275] - Implemented
Normalize(Quaternion q)
Version 4.0.0 - September 21st, 2022
New Features
- [EN-1833] - Introducing a new feature: Realtime Shadows. Now you can improve the visual fidelity of your playables but with costs of technical performance.
- [EN-2958] - Introducing a new feature: Playable Health Check. With the great rework of ProjectDiagnostics, Playable Health Check view allows you to be aware of the readiness to release for your playable. So now you can spot and solve issues early.
- [EN-3042] - Introducing a new feature: Performance Indicator. It allows you to be aware of your performance and understand, which aspect of your playable might be improved to achieve the best technical performance even on the low end devices.
- [EN-2684] - Introducing Unity Playworks Plugin Compiler V2 with the support of C# 7.2/7.3/8.0/9.0 features
- [EN-2674] - Size Breakdown: Added re-calculation of asset size after changing its settings in Size Breakdown. It allows you to iterate on assets optimisations quickly without waiting for full project rebuild.
- [EN-2671] - Unity 2018.4 is deprecated now. Added support for Unity 2021.3 (updated documentation: Link 1,Link 2, Link 3)
Fixes and improvements
Realtime Shadows
Realtime Shadows is now out of beta and available to all. Improvements include:
- [EN-3104] - Performance improvements for the shadows
- [EN-3074] - Now ParticleSystems are also can cast shadows
- [EN-3076] - Settings from individual lights affect the final shadow image
- [EN-3077] - Now you can have both
Soft and Hard
shadows in one scene
Project Diagnostics
- [EN-3066] - Improved information for Project Diagnostics warnings: the logs will provide the Unity asset location when an asset fails
- [EN-3093] - Removed Error SubTypes fields and removed all warnings, leaving only the crucial reports
- [EN-1737] - Cleared up the UI of Diagnostics view
Size Breakdown
- [EN-3035] - Fix for incorrect audio size estimation
Runtime Analysis
- [EN-3136] - Fixed excluding classes via Runtime Analysis may break non-excluded nested classes
- [EN-3112] - Fixed shader variant not registered if another variant from the same shader used the same keyword set but had another subshader index
- [EN-2893] - iOS: Fixed bug that some sounds are played with delay after interaction. Also fixed simultanious plays for one audio after interaction
- [EN-3058] - Export: Added verbose logs for all errors related to FontBM and Font. Now it's easy to see which Font asset caused an issue and a specific issue
- [EN-3105] - API:
method fixed. - [EN-1241] - Improved scripts conversion error messages to be more verbose. Now they don’t contain irrelevant stack trace and highlight specific code issue with a path to related cs file
- [EN-2931] - API: Implemented
for allPrimitiveType
s - [EN-3115] - API:
now returns correct values (not multiplied by 100) - [EN-2887] - Fix for build failures on Windows when selecting the same file with relative and absolute paths simultaneously in the External Source section
- [EN-2977] - Fix for some build errors related to special symbols in the project path.
- [EN-3033] - Fix for parsed shaders getting invalid after updating Playworks Plugin
- [EN-3037] - API: Fix for
giving a different result in Unity Playworks Plugin builds - [EN-3047] - API: Fix for
containing incorrectshortNameHash
- [EN-3052] - Fix for develop builds where
can be played even when the component is disabled - [EN-3055] - Fix for Code Only builds failing in new projects
- [EN-3070] - Fix the issue which caused
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '*./LunaTemp/stage1/js/deserializers.js'
- [EN-3106] - Fixed Unity Playworks Plugin crashing because of missing mesh on
- [EN-3079] - Base122 encoding performance improved
- [EN-3095] - Implemented
- [EN-3097] - Fix issue which caused Error -
EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rmdir './LunaTemp/stage4/develop'
on Windows OS. - [EN-3099] - Fix for
API not affecting the stencil state - [EN-3121] - Fix for
causing compiler error if was used as type in generics. - [EN-3118] - Meaningful error message introduced for issues related to some unsupported features of new versions of Unity
- [EN-3128] - Added error handling when AnimatorController's SubStateMachines are used
- [EN-3138] - Fix for Remote File Request error appearing in Unity console when Playable package is initialised for the first time
- Support for Unity 2018 has been deprecated
Version 3.12.0 - July 26th, 2022
New Features
- [EN-3001] - Added release notes to plugin window in Unity Playworks Plugin Update section
- [EN-3041] - Runtime Analysis automatically includes all parent classes when manually including a class in the Code tab
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2929] - Fixed shader export for Unity 2021.2 - 2021.3.3
- [EN-3006] - Expanded the description for missing shaders error
- [EN-3019] - The
flags are now available for platform builds - [EN-3013] - Fixed "NullReferenceException" error appearing when searching for a keyword in an empty tree view
- [EN-3033] - Fixed SVC_Luna.asset parsed shaders breaking after updating Playworks Plugin version
Version 3.11.0 - July 7th, 2022
New Features
- [EN-2968] - Option to build and update concepts from the Unity Playworks tab
- [EN-2907] - The
API has been implementedThe HideFlags API has been implemented, as well as serialization issues with objects with specific flags have been addressed - [EN-2984] - Implemented
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2777] - The display of overloaded methods in the Runtime Analysis tab has been improved
- [EN-2967] - Removed the option to build for Unity Playworks from the bottom left button
- [EN-2973] - Project Diagnostics: simplified logs
- [EN-2974] - Project Diagnostics: removed filters
- [EN-2975] - Project Diagnostics: the details section has been redesigned
- [EN-2979] - Added support for
- [EN-2981] - Fixed Project Diagnostics logs stopping when Asset Processing causes an unknown error dialogue within Unity
- [EN-2994] - Fixed missing shaders in Unity Playworks with empty
- [EN-2997] - Hidden
messages in browser console - [EN-2998] - Fixed builds trying to animate a none existing property of a material in the browser
- [EN-3004] - Fixed rebuilding Unity Playworks Plugin project sources error
Version 3.10.0 - June 29th, 2022
New Features
- [EN-2956] - Runtime analysis: Prefab module can now be excluded
- [EN-2922] - Modules can be excluded when code stripping is disabled
- [EN-2892] - Use cached shaders to accelerate export time
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2507] - Fixed incorrect asset path for package assets
- [EN-2697] - Added warning if any excluded scene is selected for export
- [EN-2843] - Improved Shader Runtime Analysis logic
- [EN-2918] - Dev Environment disabled on mobile devices
- [EN-2920] - Fixed creatives loading with black elements when opened in a network for the first time
- [EN-2898] - Added possibility to fix the Linear color space issue from Project Diagnostic
- [EN-2945] - Removed the report issue button in Project Diagnostic
- [EN-2927] - Refactored AudioSource
, andpause()
methods - [EN-2928] - Fixed the
not stopping all clips after multiplePlayOneShot()
calls - [EN-2952] - Improvements for Particles
Gravity Modifier
- [EN-2957] - Optimised performance of
- [EN-2983] - Fixed incorrect package assets export on windows
- [EN-2939] - Facebook Instant Games: fixed
not working when the build is downloaded from Unity Playworks - [EN-2949] - Facebook Instant Games: fixed loading progress stuck to zero
- [EN-2948] - Facebook Instant Games: fixed C# objects and strings are accepted by some functions, while Facebook API expectes JS objects
- [EN-2955] - Facebook Instant Games: fixed mappings for
feedback andGraphAPI
- [EN-2962] - Facebook Instant Games: added functionality to log all used FBIG API functions to analytics
Version 3.9.0 - June 9th, 2022
New Features
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2794] - Improved Spine support
- [EN-2916] - Added support for older DOTween versions (1.1.640)
- [EN-2880] - Optimised resizing and compression operations for images with premultiplied alpha
- [EN-2802] - Fixed video data URI for iOS 15.4
- [EN-2866] - Improved logic for finding
textures in Repeat mode - [EN-2869] - Double-clicking any asset in Size Breakdown takes you to the original asset in Unity
- [EN-2875] - Updated warnings about Runtime Analysis usage in Size Breakdown and Project Diagnostic
- [EN-2881] - Added new message before creating an estimate in the Size Breakdown window
- [EN-2890] - Long-pressing on iOS devices no longer causes videos to freeze
- [EN-2913] - Resolved decompression errors with Playable projects before 3.4.0
- [EN-2900] - Fixed compression error producing corrupted archives and consequently leading to broken builds
- [EN-2912] - Fixed
not working correctly if you send data that is notnull
- [EN-2914] - Facebook Instant Games: tested and fixed incorrect APIs
- [EN-2884] - Fixed
exception when provided layer does not exist - [EN-2856] - Fixed the Cannot set properties of null error appearing in the dev console when using sound
- [EN-2991] - Added ability for updating configs from remotely
Version 3.8.0 - May 27th, 2022
New Features
- [EN-2842] - New Dev Environment for develop builds
- [EN-2826] - Separate directories for develop and Unity Playworks and platforms builds
- [EN-2818] - Improved support for Spine plugin by adding missing APIs
- [EN-2883] - Cache gets disabled when using the Unity Playworks Plugin web server
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2862] - Added support for
- [EN-2531] - Runtime Analysis message now remains after changing network in Size Breakdown
- [EN-2779] - Fixed Size Breakdown preview breaking after changing network
- [EN-2822] - Fixed Size Breakdown estimate getting reset after the game is launched in the editor
- [EN-2819] - Optimised preview platform for Unity Playworks
- [EN-2831] - Last Size Breakdown estimate shows for which platform it was calculated
- [EN-2850] - Fixed
AudioMixer.SetFloat("Volume", volumeLevel)
not affectingAudioSource
volume - [EN-2873] - The Assets/Shaders tab in the Assets section has been removed
- [EN-2854] - Tabs get now saved in each section of the Playworks Plugin Window
- [EN-2855] - Project Diagnostics now includes a TMP 3.0.6 check
- [EN-2858] - Excluded files from Size Breakdown are visible in the Assets tab immediately
- [EN-2861] - Fixed Video
property for disabled objects - [EN-2863] - Improved shader keywords parsing for Unity 2018.4
- [EN-2864] - Optimised Runtime Analysis code search logic
- [EN-2865] - Fixed incorrect drawing order for
with multiple materials - [EN-2871] - Fixed shadows getting rendered when using a culling mask
Version 3.7.0 - May 12th, 2022
The first build attempt may be unsuccessful after installing this package version.
New Features
- [EN-2773] - Improved Runtime Analysis UX
- [EN-2816] - Improved Unity Playworks Plugin Shader Variant Collection UX
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2775] - Runtime Analysis Code tab: improved exclusion list hierarchy
- [EN-2776] - Runtime Analysis Code tab: improved searching logic
- [EN-2700] - Playable picks up C# sources (packages) imported from git
- [EN-2480] - Additional validation has been added for the Unity Playworks tab (links to stores) when exporting
- [EN-2814] - Size Breakdown displays previews for textures with
format - [EN-2805] - Fixed missing shader in Unity Playworks:
Particles/Standard Unlit
- [EN-2806] - Shader variant is applied instead of missing shader when the shader is exported without enabling any keywords
- [EN-2821] - Fixed errors when a device does not support instancing
- [EN-2840] - Added Unity Playworks Plugin support for Chrome 55 and above
- [EN-2848] - Fixed bugs with TMP 3.0.6 and 3.0.0
- [EN-2367] -
no longer fails - [EN-2675] - Fixed incorrect path in
when assets fromunity_buitin_extra
are excluded - [EN-2829] - Fixed
getting rendered when the option is disabled - [EN-2830] - Fixed
throwing errors when parameters are missing - [EN-2832] - Fixed issue with URP camera staying in the internal list after the scene is reloaded
- [EN-2839] - Fixed Rigidbody dynamic properties not resetting after
- [EN-2853] - Fixed shader variants getting duplicated during export
Version 3.6.0 - April 29th, 2022
New Features
- [EN-2793] - Added ability to open Unity scenes in the Unity Editor by pressing Shift + Command + Left Click / Control + Left Click on a name in Playable's 'Scenes in Build' list
- [EN-870] - Added support for
- Texture mode
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2774] - Moved "Shaders" tab from "Assets" to "Runtime Analysis"
- [EN-2746] - Fixed casting order bug
- [EN-2788] - Fixed animation curve modifying property names which led to broken animations
- [EN-2790] - Fixed "Size Breakdown" builds failing
- [EN-2800] - Fixed "Plugin Updates" tab disappearing when starting a build
- [EN-2802] - Fixed playables containing video data not starting on iOS 15.4
- [EN-2803] - Fixed "Size Breakdown" progress bar displaying an incorrect title whilst estimating assets size
- [EN-2808] - Fixed Google previews randomly failing due to an error in decompression
- [EN-2815] - Fixed changes made to assets in the "Asset" or "Size Breakdown" tabs not being reflected in the other's information
- [EN-2828] - Fixed audio playing again even if it had already ended after changing tabs back to the playable
Version 3.5.0 - April 19th, 2022
New Features
- [EN-2713] - Support for TextMeshPro 3.0.6
- [EN-2785] - Added option to add active scene to
from Playable's Basic Settings Tab
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2766] - Audio tags have been removed from builds to comply with Google's platform
- [EN-2770] - Fixed sound resuming after user interaction
- [EN-2772] - Fixed Runtime Analysis not including nested classes
- [EN-2778] - Prevented Runtime Analysis from stripping any mouse-related code from builds
- [EN-2783] - Added support for Chrome version 55 and above for loading media assets
- [EN-2780] - Fixed
Sorting Group
not updating on non-direct child insertion - [EN-2681] - Occasionally occurring error
ArgumentException: Invalid port
has been fixed - [EN-2748] - Fixed
rewriting previously handled texture data - [EN-2738] - Lights in Unity Playworks Plugin match lights in Unity
- [EN-2763] - Fixed Project Diagnostics not updating after asset refresh
- [EN-2788] - Fixed issue with curves deserialization modifying property names and breaking animations
- [EN-2762] -
throwingUncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'mul2')
has been fixed
Version 3.4.1 - April 5th, 2022
Fixes and improvements
Version 3.4.0 - April 1st, 2022
New Features
- [EN-2736] - Switched compression tool to a custom brotli build without a built-in dictionary, allowing build size to be reduced by 50-130 kb (depending on the platform) and it slightly decreases the build startup time
- [EN-2737] - Generate only necessary combinations of cache to reduce build time for Unity Playworks
- [EN-2761] - Added additional classes to Runtime Analysis whitelist for platforms template
- [EN-2729] - When building, a popup will appear if the scene has changes that have not been saved
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2741] - Fixed Runtime Analysis collecting shaders even when disabled
- [EN-2750] - Fixed
generating invalid code on non-English localisations - [EN-2751] - Fixed Bridge's compilation errors pointing to
- [EN-2753] - Fixed creating TMP files for brotli compression may result in "permission denied" errors
- [EN-2758] - Added basic settings (gravity) to Physics stub
- [EN-2196] -
correctly calculates edge values - [EN-2455] - Fixed UI misplacement when reporting a problem with more than 5 lines
Version 3.3.0 - March 23rd, 2022
New Features
- [EN-2648] - Audio support for LunaPlaygroundAssets
- [EN-2689] - Added customizable hints for fields in Unity Playworks
- [EN-2669] - Added options for asset export and code compilation to Develop tab
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2721] - Updated logo and icons
- [EN-2252] - Added basic
API implementation forUnityEngine.ParticleSystemRenderer
- [EN-2707] - Added SkyBox module to Runtime Analysis
- [EN-2044] - Only the last export information is stored in
- [EN-2655] - "Build & Estimate size" button is disabled during build time
- [EN-2702] - Fixed movement calculation by multiplying a
- [EN-2715] - Fixed a erroneous log triggered by Unity Playworks Plugin in new projects
- [EN-2716] - Updated Runtime Analysis to include fallback shaders in develop mode, as well as removing excluded shader variants for Unity 2020.1 and newer
- [EN-2720] - Fixed issue where changing
led to an incorrectJoint
Version 3.2.0 - February 24th, 2022
New Features
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2708] - Unity version 2021.1 now exports shaders correctly
- [EN-2653] - Fixed SubShaders export
- [EN-2253] - Arguments from the app store's link got removed for validation in Unity Ads
- [EN-2703] - Fixed hint in the Size Breakdown tab
- [EN-2694] - Fixed incorrect arrangement of nested sorting groups
- [EN-2323] - Fixed the Generate stub button being cropped in some localizations
- [EN-2491] - Fixed
throwing an error - [EN-2683] - Fixed local rotation of child object when using
on the parent transform
Version 3.1.0 - February 14th, 2022
New Features
- [EN-2276] - Runtime Analysis 3.0: continuous Runtime Analysis for develop mode
- [EN-2676] - Runtime Analysis 3.0: UX improvements
- [EN-2673] - Added Shader Runtime Analysis for develop mode
- [EN-2644] - Added support for shader export in Unity 2021+
- [EN-2478] - Excluding/including assets in Size Breakdown
- [EN-2661] - All URP lightmodes that are not currently supported are ignored (check this table)
- [EN-2665] - Re-introducing Runtime Logging
- [EN-2670] - Removed MSBuild path from Unity Playworks Plugin window GUI for Mac
- [EN-2303] - Removed shaders that are not mentioned in
- [EN-2654] - Added notification for missing glyphs
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1147] - Fixed Input Y-Axis on Mouse Position and calculation for Screen Position Y-Axis
- [EN-2022] - Fixed the Unity Playworks Plugin temp folder opening after clicking on the Build Project button in the Playground tab
- [EN-2462] -
is working correctly - [EN-2488] - Fixed
giving incorrect mouse values - [EN-2666] - Fixed child
not rendering when the parent has theSorting Group
component disabled -Sorting Group
correctly includes TextMeshPro - [EN-2672] - Fixed exporting assets from folders ending in Editor
- [EN-2611] - Fixed issue with local and global keywords with Unity 2020 and 2021
Version 3.0.0 - January 27th, 2022
New Features
- [EN-780] - Universal Render Pipeline and Shader Graph support
- [EN-2219] - Runtime Analysis 2.0
- [EN-2219] - Shader Variant Collector GUI
- [EN-2356] - Autofix for missing shader variants
- [EN-2543] - Runtime analysis includes mouse data by default
- [EN-2562] - Implemented basic operators between Vector3 and Vector2
- [EN-2588] - Button to copy User Token to clipboard
- [EN-2595] - Startup measurament with URL command
- [EN-2604] - Added building platform to
- [EN-2477] - Implemented asset preview window in Size Breakdown
- [EN-2410] - Implemented a connection between assets from Size Breakdown and assets from Unity
- [EN-2418] - Added settings for each asset in Size Breakdown
- [EN-2409] - Size Breakdown 2.0
- [EN-2534] - Implemented Camera Stacking
- [EN-2574] - Implemented Shader Runtime Analysis
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2232] - Fixed MSBuild path configuration error
- [EN-1926] - Fixed issue with Size Breakdown always taking the last known estimate
- [EN-1977] - Fixed
returning Vector2 incorrectly - [EN-2349] - Fixed
not applying values to materials - [EN-2511] - Fixed issue with the incorrect image component within a
world space
canvas - [EN-2563] - Fixed errors when
is in an empty scene - [EN-2576] - Fixed MV debug view styles in 3rd party games
- [EN-2586] - Fixed
- [EN-2600] - Fixed incorrect
in some hierarchy cases - [EN-2607] - Fixed incorrect sun source
- [EN-2624] - Fixed issue with Texture applying previous compression settings
- [EN-2647] - Fixed issue where assets override do no get values from default settings of current asset type
- [EN-2284] - Added improvements to shader variants collection
- [EN-2504] -
Screen space
canvas gets updated during camera rotation - [EN-2544] - Nested overlay canvases are rendered in the correct order
- [EN-2575] -
works correctly with textures from spriteAtlas - [EN-2623] - Added warning dialogs for some of the build buttons
Version 2.10.0 - December 17th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-1742] - Added support for Unity 2020.3
- [EN-2499] - Added Project Diagnostics log warning for incompatible TMP version use
- [EN-2011] - Added support for default literal
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-732] - Fixed
time providing wrong results - [EN-1910] - Fixed
radial fill with padding having incorrect offsets - [EN-2510] - Fixed issue where a "/" character in an app name creates a submenu in the plugin upload menu
- [EN-2500] - Fixed
being scaled with physical texture size when it shouldn't be - [EN-2521] - Fixed audio issue where occasionally there is a race condition between
and resume() - [EN-2522] - Fixed custom defines not working in Luna
- [EN-2523] - Fixed resharper issue with type casting
- [EN-2528] - Fixed particles having incorrect rotations in billboard mode
- [EN-2532] - Fixed sprite create failing due to missing
in attributes - [EN-2535] - Fixed particle system stretched billboard containing incorrect UV values
Version 2.9.0 - December 2nd, 2021
New Features
- [EN-2270] - Implemented Unity defines
- [EN-2482] - Added possibility to get the build's platform
- [EN-2497] - Implemented "Alpha from Grayscale" support for textures
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2453] - Fixed Image Raycast when
is above 0 - [EN-2485] - Added missing
enums to LunaDevelopment - [EN-2493] - Bridge: Fixed
compound assignments
Version 2.8.0 - November 17th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-2457] - Implemented
API - [EN-2464] - Special folders from external sources can be filtered
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1517] - 'Auto-instantiate Prefabs' has been moved to the Advanced tab
- [EN-2472] - Improved
- [EN-2448] - Fixed an error in the Quaternion computation
- [EN-2452] - Improved Particle system emission bursts
Version 2.7.0 - November 9th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-2384] - Changed default assets encoding from base64 to base122
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2377] - Implemented
Animator.Play(int parameter)
- [EN-2415] - Implemented
- [EN-2400] -
component updates shape values after changing its size or offset - [EN-2406] - Fixed incorrect
result - [EN-2411] -
returned 0 incorrectly
Version 2.6.0 - October 20th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-2158] - Implemented
component - [EN-2186] - Runtime Analysis - A tool that detects unused classes / modules in runtime and excludes them
- [EN-2262] - Choice in Playground tab to decide where in Playground to upload a build to
- [EN-2266] - Set Optimal Settings button (Size optimisation)
- [EN-2364] - Introduced WebP conversion for better texture compression performance
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2360] - Preloader background resizes to fit the screen
- [EN-2365] - Removed compression from default particle
- [EN-2383] - Memory usage is reduced by cleaning up unused data after serialization
- [EN-2209] - Fixed package built for Windows cannot be opened on macOS
- [EN-2285] - Fixed 'screen space camera' sub canvas are drawn incorrectly
- [EN-2322] - Fixed stubber stubs some of types generated by compiler
- [EN-2324] - Fixed failed patching of missing shader
- [EN-2325] - Fixed standard constructor parameters are not generated when stubbing
- [EN-2326] - Fixed stubber does not stub some of IAP SDK classes after compiling
- [EN-2346] - Fixed error appears after successfully uploading a build to Playground
- [EN-2350] - Fixed Character Controller collides with trigger colliders
- [EN-2358] - Fixed Obfuscator fails to correctly obfuscate a class where both
property andsetPropName
methods are presented - [EN-2376] - Fixed on Firefox,
was called before the first touch - [EN-2263] - Fixed stubbing packages with namespace stub some extra types
Version 2.5.0 - September 23rd, 2021
New Features
- [EN-1532] Display confirmation on stub generation in 'Automatic stubbing' panel
- [EN-2296] Unity Playworks Plugin now updates fixture contacts after entity layer update
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2315] Fixed cases where stubber doesn't stub some of Facebook plugin types
- [EN-2311] Fixed cases where stubber doesn't generate base parameters for constructors
- [EN-2295] Fixed
exceptions for Facebook SDK - [EN-2261] Fixed incorrect stubbing for AdMob package
- [EN-2294] Fixed stubbing toggle for not stubbed SDK
- [EN-2277] Check the code generated by stubber for compilation possibility
- [EN-2302] Fixed physics issue where layer isn't applied if changed in runtime
- [EN-2293] Fixed invalid
result - [EN-2312] Fixed case where disabled scenes became enabled
Version 2.4.0 - September 9th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-2240] -
implementation - [EN-2273] - Make new scene in build settings enabled by default
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-769] -
or any other jagged array breaks export - [EN-2048] - Fixed error when using the build hotkey(Cmd+Shift+E)
- [EN-2204] - Cinemachine, tracked object offset
- [EN-2260] - Incorrect order of startup events on mraid platforms
- [EN-2268] - Fixed problem where two cameras with common singleton script were removed instead of one
- [EN-2271] - Delegates with a
return type cause a Bridge error - [EN-2281] - Missing
abstract method in DOTween
Version 2.3.0 - August 25th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-1746] - DoTween PRO support
- [EN-2240] -
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2212] - Fixed
not taking into account missing visible lights for skyboxes - [EN-2227] - Fixed particle system random spawning not working with zero seed
- [EN-2230] - Fixed incorrect
calculations - [EN-2235] - Fixed particle sheet animation in sprite mode calculating incorrect frames
- [EN-2241] - Fixed DOTween
length error caused when usingDOPunch
methods - [EN-2243] - Fixed 'frame calculations' for Random Two Constant
Version 2.2.0 - August 11th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-2194] - Project Diagnostics now groups logs of the same code together
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2170] - Shader Variant Optimisation - improved passing of shader keywords
- [EN-2188] - Increased accuracy of size breakdown
- [EN-1836] - Fixed
UV rect causing the image to never be rendered in animations - [EN-1943] - Fixed
changes in animations not affecting size - [EN-1963] - Fixed camera cinemachine
causing the camera to shake - [EN-2190] - Fixed image position in animation going to an incorrect position with some portrait resolutions
- [EN-2191] - Fixed issue when removing a collider from a rigidbody causes its
to reset even if it was manually set by the user - [EN-2199] - Fixed
ignoring centers ofBoxCollider
- [EN-2207] - Fixed
returning invalid collision data if one of the colliders is trigger - [EN-2226] - Fixed missing
field in DOTween dll
Version 2.1.0 - July 28th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-2049] - Implemented
- [EN-2117] - Implemented
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2178] - Diagnostics log view optimisation
- [EN-2161] - Fixed
incorrect pivot behaviour - [EN-2127] - Fixed edge cases in
api producing NANs - [EN-2187] - Fixed
function issue on the Mintegral platform - [EN-2023] - Fixed Text Generator providing wrong info on line height
- [EN-2110] - Fixed linear to gamma incorrect calculations
- [EN-2149] - Fixed LineRenderer loop corrupted mesh generation (counter-clockwise, corner vertices)
- [EN-2159] - Fixed errors when building WebGL build from unity
- [EN-2167] - Fixed issue with particles sprite sheet ignoring sprite transparent offset
- [EN-2177] - Fixed issue with double clicking file not showing location in Unity on Windows
Version 2.0.0 - July 15th, 2021
New Features
- [DEVX-175] Project Diagnostics 2
- [EN-1991] Chinese Localization
- [EN-2054] Implemented ability to open files from plugin tree-view in Unity editor
- [EN-1873] Implemented
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2065] Stubber now works correctly with constants
- [EN-2108] Stubber now stubs unrelated namespaces
- [EN-1984] Fixed
API - [EN-2060] Added ability to stop coroutines via assigned IEnumerator
- [EN-2078]
fix inAnimator.Play
method - [EN-2094] Fixed issue with Stubber where generic types which consist of other generic types were not working
- [EN-2095] Fixed issue with Stubber implementation error when some types attempt to implement an IEnumerator type
- [EN-2109] Fixed tiled sprite being culled out if original bounds is not in camera frustum
Version 1.13.0 - July 2nd, 2021
New Features
- [EN-1929] Grey out folders that don't contain any relevant content in tree-view tabs
- [EN-2012] Implemented sound timeline cropping tool
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2042] Fixed asset replacement not working for certain playables
- [EN-1945]
implementation was missing
Version 1.12.0 - June 17th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-1980] Added Depth Texture support
- [EN-1994] Validation for install links
- [EN-1958] Implemented
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-2015] Fixed "Bounds.SetMinMax doesn't exist" error
- [EN-2006] Fixed issue where excluding a script by the context menu wouldn't update the excludes list in plugin window
- [EN-1979]
now sets weight divided by 100 - [EN-2027] Fixed incorrect Multipass Shader export
- [EN-2005] Added check to ensure that all Vector / Matrix / Quaternion components are numeric in DEBUG mode
Version 1.11.0 - June 4th, 2021
New Features
- [DEVX-88] - Introduce list/array PG field
- [DEVX-163] - Improved Unity Playworks Plugin project browser
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1790] -
with empty bones throws exception - [EN-1806] - Invoking
with parameter - [EN-1986] - Issues with layer masks and shapecasts
- [EN-1989] - Invoke("String", float time) repeats using time as interval instead of delay
- [EN-1990] - Settings carry over from different individual settings and override them
- [EN-1995] - Changing params of disabled collider results in runtime error
- [EN-1997] - Shapecasting into triggers can result in incorrect hit data
- [EN-1999] - Fix events off for some classes
Version 1.10.1 - May 20th, 2021
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1975] - Default format set texture to png32 but it must depends on original format
- [EN-1931] - Fixed per collection settings not applying for multiple selected items
Version 1.10.0 - May 18th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-1881] - Implemented
mode - [EN-1952] - Implemented API for
- [EN-1933] - Implemented
API - [EN-1949] - Implemented
- [EN-1954] - Implemented
- [EN-1955] - Implemented
Collider2D.GetContacts(ContactPoint2D[] contacts)
- [EN-1957] - Implemented
- [DEVX-120] - Add 'Develop Build' button to the Unity Editor
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1895] - Blend tree between sprite animations
- [EN-1931] - Fixed so per collection settings now apply for multiple selected items
- [EN-1947] - Files from selected folder in force-include will now add to export
- [EN-1968] - Cancelling Browse for relative path window in external JS no longer goes to URI error
- [EN-1969] - Fixed issued when changing compression settings to default
- [EN-1971] - Fixed issue concerning multiple fields serialized with the same name
Version 1.9.0 - May 3rd, 2021
New Features
- [EN-1927] -
API - [EN-1930] -
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1896] - Canvas group alpha not applied correctly on text components
- [EN-1903] - Camera
not updated - [EN-1907] - Animation
loop doesn't work - [EN-1909] - Animation gets
from Animator if GameObject has both Animator and Animation components - [EN-1914] - StreamingAssets folder doesn't add to zip archive on export
- [EN-1915] - SkinnedMeshRenderer with mesh with submodules doesn't render
- [EN-1917] - Child particle system renderer is null
- [EN-1925] - Changing SpriteRenderer size at run-time has no effect
- [EN-1932] - Wrong settings in sound's
- [EN-1934] -
throws error
Version 1.8.0 - April 20th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-1729] -
Linear Fog
- [EN-1825] - Playworks Plugin window localisation: Russian Language
- [EN-1870] -
AddComponent Canvas
- [EN-1880] -
API - [EN-1885] - Added the ability to exclude the
system from builds - [EN-1893] - Added “Bounce Threshold” setting from Unity
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1740] -
Text no longer invisible when animating scale in a canvas group whose alpha is <1 - [EN-1882] - Selecting files for Preload Icon/Background now generates a relative path instead of an absolute one
- [EN-1883] - Fixed
aabb calculation - [EN-1884] - Removing
callback can no longer cause issues - [EN-1879] - Ensure that all newly created joints have valid default values
- Fixed issue where audio continues playing even if you set the app to background or lock the device
Version 1.7.0 - April 6th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-329] - SpriteRenderer DrawMode Tiled (Continuous)
- [EN-1246] - Texture2D
APIs - [EN-1849] - SkinnedMeshRenderer rootBone usage implementation
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1705] - UI Canvas sort order improvement
- [EN-1846] - Disabling of GameObject disables
- [EN-1853] - AsyncOperation
creates an extra callback - [EN-1856] -
value doesn't turn false for Animations after finishing AnimationState - [EN-1860] - ResizeCanvas event remove wrong callback
- [EN-1868] - Collision normals are inverted in Luna
- [EN-1869] - Setting negative
breaks physics - [EN-1201] - ParticleSystem optimisations
- [EN-1769] - Unity Playworks Plugin package size reduction
Version 1.6.0 - March 23rd, 2021
New Features
- [EN-1807] - Implemented
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1826] - Fix
undefined FbPlayableAd
error for local builds - [EN-1836] - Animation - Animating
RawImage UV rect
causes the image to never be rendered - [EN-1798] - Remove .meta files from export in StreamingAssets
- [EN-1809] - Respect force exclude in the Assets section, even if Steaming Assets is included in the export type settings
- [EN-1824] - Stubber can rebuild assemblies without UnityEditor defines to avoid excluding such assemblies from generating
- [EN-1829] - Fix limits for
Version 1.5.1 - March 9th, 2021
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1762] - Auto-Instantiate Prefabs no longer breaks prefab loading from Resource folder
- [EN-1763] - Animation event function no longer invokes with incorrect argument
- [EN-1781] -
without a camera changes toScreenSpaceOverlay
not as fallback - [EN-1801] - Skybox no longer has incorrect faces
- [EN-1817] - No longer missing fade animation on pressed buttons
Version 1.5.0 - March 4th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-1778] - Google SSO auth
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1789] -
API - [EN-1793] - Fixed resource failed when none were exported
- [EN-1784] - Fixed loading scene failed due to missing canvasRenderer in component
- [EN-1790] - Fixed
with empty bones throws exception - [EN-1783] - Blend shape accessing motion without checking it's existence
- [EN-1795] - Patching missing support for
Version 1.4.0 - February 22nd, 2021
New Features
- [EN-1757] - Font texture resolution override in LunaWindow
- [EN-1766] - Allow to create PhysicsMaterial via script
- [EN-1767] - Fix extending UnityEngine / System classes by classes with one-letter properties
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1721] - Stubber now generates all inherited from stubbed class types with empty body
- [EN-1734] - Font size improvement
- [EN-1765] - Calling
on disabled gameobject collider throws an exception - [EN-1770] - GameObject is not picking up clicks if disabled on start
- [EN-1771] - Removed requirement for PNGQuant permission on Mac machines
- [EN-1773] - TypeError -
returns nativeSize as undefined - [EN-1774] - Animator SetTrigger crashes
- [EN-1775] - Off Screen Input Field Stretches play area
- [EN-1776] - Clicking on errors in Diagnostics doesn't open script on Windows
- [EN-1779] - Diagnostics shows warnings related to luna's scripts and generated in runtime AssemblyAttributes
Version 1.3.0 - February 9th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-568] -
setter implementation. - [EN-874] - If DEBUG in JS
- [EN-1689] - Remove all legacy and unused code from engine
- [EN-1697] - Implement unity correct skybox mesh
- [EN-1711] - Add ability to exclude parts of Unity Playworks Plugin engine from builds
- [EN-1725] - Fps debug counter
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1699] - Animation event issue at last frame
- [EN-1732] - Dynamic body with FreezePosition along all axes ignores collision
- [EN-1733] - UI graphic component inheritance
- [EN-1739] -
doesn't work when it's an IEnumerator instead of a void - [EN-1743] -
doesn't change automatically toTime.fixedDeltaTime
value in fixedUpdate - [EN-1745] - Implement missing API for
3.6 - [EN-1747] - pluginWindow scenes are paired with UnityBuildScenes
- [EN-1749] - Transparent
don't catch clicks - [EN-1750] - Blend shapes ignore weighs
- [EN-1751] - User can get error message in unity after build or login
- [EN-1754] - Get
when login in Unity Playworks Plugin with deleted LunaTemp folder
Version 1.2.0 - January 25th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-887] - Added Build cancellation button
- [EN-1685] - Implement Pixels Per Unit Multiplier in UI Image
- [EN-1696] - Added support for Blend shape targets containing dots
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-213] - Improved Animation access to AnimationState
- [EN-1624] - Warning added for excluded Animations
- [EN-1670] - Removed msbuild checkbox from settings
- [EN-1676] -
improvements - [EN-1677] - Vertical alignment was shifted down when using BestFit and two lines
- [EN-1681] - Incorrect deserialization of
for some components - [EN-1682] - ParticleSystem with Null material crashes
- [EN-1683] - Property
inside animation was undefined - [EN-1703] - Layout element with text had incorrect transform values in Layout group
- [EN-1668] - Generic case of invoking methods with overrides from unity event UI
Version 1.1.1 - January 6th, 2021
New Features
- [EN-1617] -
API - [EN-1618] -
API - [EN-1619] -
API - [EN-1623] - Improved non-uniform scale support for physics
- [EN-1624] - Warning on excluded Animations
- [EN-1665] - Implemented
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1615] - Index buffer now uses
for indices - [EN-1625] - Stopped changing objects' layers in
- [EN-1630] - Animator state's time scale set to 0 during transition no longer leads to runtime NAN exception
- [EN-1641] - Animator no longer exits from state without "ExitTime" checkbox
- [EN-1647] - Animator state write default was ignored
- [EN-1654] -
called from UI button fails fix - [EN-1655] - Fixed failing on Interface serialization
- [EN-1661] - Export no longer fails in Unity 2020.2
- [EN-1664] - Fixed incorrect UI elements after screen resize
- [EN-1666] - Skinned mesh patch for specific shaders no longer produce world offset
- [EN-1667] - Correct
usage for UI
Version 1.1.0 - December 9th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1326] Fix resolution value for correct sizedelta of canvas with camera screen space
- [EN-1329] Fix math inside GraphNode
- [EN-1352] Animator Set Bool and Set Trigger should toggle each other
- [EN-1600]
- [EN-1608] Prevent animator from excessively recalculating transforms
- [EN-1609] Fix RectTransform math for negative and non-uniform scales
- [EN-1610] Changing Unity Import Settings causing Unity Playworks Plugin UI to reset
- [EN-1611]
native size taking in account pixel ratio - [EN-774] Animation
- [EN-1048] Recover Sanity/SpritePacker test Sprite/SpriteAtlas
- [EN-1333]
returns null if parent if disabled but child is enabled - [EN-1349] Inconsistent spawning behaviour with instantiate prefab and changing original object
- [EN-1279] Improved logic for
for UI with 0 z-scale << better - [EN-1286] Non-uniform scale breaks rotation
- [EN-1599] Fix prefab instantiation in parents with zero scale
New Features
- [LPG-1051] Added support for custom events
- [EN-1606]
implementation - [EN-1612] Double clicks on errors in diagnostics now links to code
Version 1.0.1 - November 24th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1325] Game object instantiated in position & rotation or in world space with parent had its transform wrong in Awake and OnEnable callbacks
- [EN-1318] During sort we take in account collider i.e. hit as a required condition to participate in sorting
- [EN-1340] Rebuild collider when "convex" flag is changed & more complex empty mesh check
- [EN-1302] Bug with 2d object instantiation at position
- [EN-1320] Add default anchored position initialisation
- [EN-1328] Color equality comparison fix
- [EN-1044] Check that
are not null or undefined. - [EN-1323] Animation default material properties fixed
- [EN-1330] Fixed local position was not animated
- [EN-1334] Offsets for blend shape frame indices
- [EN-1321] Fixed issue with size breakdown if assets export failed
New Features
- [EN-1221] Text Mesh Pro 3 support
- [EN-1263] Platform effector 2D implementation
- [EN-1324] URP time added
- [EN-1207] Exclude Hidden shader from log warnings
- [EN-1207] Missing material behaviour as in Unity
- [EN-1247] Implemented
API. - [EN-1331] Missing sprite warning
- [EN-1266] Mixed sprite API's implementation
Version 1.0.0 - November 5th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1199] Reviewed API of standard types like Vector, Matrix, Quaternion, Bounds, Color etc
- [EN-1183] VideoPlayer
event problem - [UN-213] Build size accuracy improvements
- [EN-1239] 2d\3d physics raycasters issues
- [EN-1226] Unity Events. Static values in method didn't work
- [EN-1260] Transform did not reset rotation when direction was set to zero
- [EN-1243] Getting parent from child game object in prefab was returning null
- [EN-1252]
relative to self issue - [EN-1249] Default value for include inactive was true in
- [EN-1232] Changing the sprite of SpriteRenderer didn't update AABB
- [UN-160] Export was silently crashing if inappropriate field marked as
. - [TN-46]
New Features
- [UN-185] UI refresh for the Playworks Plugin interface
- [EN-1226] Implemented blend shapes
- [EN-XXX] Added basic asset bundles support (no Addressables)
- [EN-XXX] UI layouts, masks, hierarchy, interfaces - implementations, improvements and optimizations
- [EN-1244] Implemented EventTrigger
- [EN-XXX] Implemented InputField
- [EN-XXX] Supported tags in texts
- [EN-1124] Added view alignment mode for lines and trails
- [EN-1256] Integrated DOTween plugin. No more need to replace dll by source code
- [EN-1269] Added feature to auto infer collider params from MeshFilter and MeshRenderer
- [UN-150] Added streaming assets export
- [EN-1223] Added auto-disabling cache for Develop build
Version 0.8.4 - September 16th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1202] Arrays of objects with null values were being missed
- [EN-1200] Prevent joint's rows from being positional
- [EN-1186] Scene is overlit in comparison with Unity
- [EN-1185] Skinned mesh renderer normals in shader patched incorrectly
- [EN-1181]
animation sync fix - [EN-1184] Fix UnityEvent invocation without a method name
- [EN-1172] TextMesh Pro 2.0.0 multiline was missing lines
- [EN-1203] Optimisation of Bridge that allows passing structs as a reference, evading allocation
New Features
- [EN-1164] Sentry JS SDK was added to develop builds to improve error logging and support
- [EN-1049]
API - [EN-1195] Texture
API - [UN-168] Added Tencent as a playable export platform
- [EN-1192] Adding implementation of missed Maths API's.
- [EN-1180] Added Animator
- [EN-1151] Added logfile (LunaTemp/luna.log) with detailed logs from the build process
Version 0.8.3 - August 25th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-742] Reviewed ticks to provide stable 1/60 dt first 2 frames
- [EN-1116]
, providing argument does not override serialised argument - [EN-1128] Cast
as behaviour return null - [EN-1130] Non-active scene popup window appears only after all resources are exported
- [EN-1133] Fixing 'timeScale less than 0' issue
- [EN-1134] Moving audio volume change callback to post-initialization phase
- [EN-1141] Fix V and VP matrices
- [EN-1142] Folder is not deleted with current namespace when user remove field from list
- [EN-1144] Fix execution order component IDs
- [EN-1157]
was not clamped in screen in some setups - [EN-1162] Serialised
was not available from scripts - [EN-1163] UnityComponent callbacks reorganization
- [EN-1173] Fix
( Object, Transform, bool) returning prefab instead of instantiated object
New Features
- [UN-147] Added login screen to Playworks Plugin UI in Unity
- [EN-762] Added support for basic CharacterController
- [EN-1140] ParametersTrigger, TransitionsAnyState, AnimatorUpdateMode
- [EN-1145] Adding missed Matrix4x4 APIs
- [EN-1150]
lookup, updating scope version - [EN-1153]
APIs - [EN-1154] Support for material swap in animation
- [EN-1156] Updating params should not interrupt transitions && Transitions in the same frame
- [EN-1159] Added missed fields for time settings
- [EN-1161] Add second round of convex approximation in order to support zero scale
- [EN-1166] Animator material interaction optimisation
- [EN-1170] Optimisation: keys interpolation caching, material interaction optimisation
- [EN-1165] Support for blend tree orphan events and event handling
Version 0.8.2 - August 2nd, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1102] Change wheel collider instantiation
- [UN-161] Fixed
for Video Player component - [EN-1132] Monobehavior null check now takes into account destroyed object
- [EN-1136] Finding only enabled nodes by tag
- [EN-1137]
fix - [EN-1138]
texture was not properly set for rendering - [EN-1135] Workaround for precision issues in
- [EN-1129] CCD: removed all convex pieces of the proxy whose collisions are ignored
- [EN-1139] Ability to Compare Faux Bodies
New Features
- [EN-1126] Added
API - [EN-613] Added
- [UN-161] Added AdColony export platform
Version 0.8.1 - July 17th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1119] Removed
flag - [EN-1105] Prevent the generation of mipMaps if "No MipMaps" set in texture settings
- [EN-1042] Fixed
function to correct reparenting call - [EN-1113] Pooled audio sources.stop for different source
- [EN-1112] TextGenerator measures text size including tags
- [EN-1103] Match default raycasts / shapecasts params with Unity
- [EN-1117] SpriteRenderer.color applied incorrectly for renderers with the same sprite
- [EN-1119] Make sure that parent entity is synchronised when synchronising child
- [EN-1122] Assets override wasn't saving from Plugin UI
- [EN-1120] Ternary operator with structs struct = (condition) ? structa : structb bridge 17.9.9 update
- [EN-1118] Common audio manager proxy & ironSource integration
- [EN-1125] Instantiate with parent now gets correct scale, position and rotation
- [EN-1005] Fixed issue with absolute path of external sources
- [EN-1111] Materials property returns null if material wasn't already set
- [EN-1123] No limits value for image
- [EN-925] Fixed issue with multiple renderers on same object
- [EN-939] Particles fix: BoundingBox & rendering in front of skinned mesh
New Features
- [EN-1106] Animating material parameters
Version 0.8.0 - July 7th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [UN-153] Added text input for user Scripting Defines
- [EN-1084] Fix relationship between interpolation, timescale and autoSyncTransforms
- [EN-1079]
fontStyle fix - [EN-814] Revised PNG compression tools
- [EN-1081] code:bundle command was not working without previous steps and empty LunaTemp
- [TOOL-104] New FontBM version with fix for win machines
- [EN-1098] GrabPass for some resolutions caused WebGL errors
- [EN-1087] Removed excessive energy from positional constraints and make ContactDetails monimorphic
- [EN-1087] Mark some joint's rows as positional
- [EN-1087] Move
to base joint dto class to match Unity's hierarchy - [EN-1051] Make the relationship between constraints and
the same as in Unity - [EN-1086] Increase speculative CCD energy loss and amend some constraints
- [EN-1085] Build
by rotating it around COM rather that the origin - [EN-1075] Improve friction calculation, simulation stability & performance
- [EN-619] Missing mesh for SkinnedMesh no longer breaks startup
New Features
- [EN-715] Added Project Compilation window
- [UN-154] Added Automatic Stubbing feature
- [UN-156] Added version check to Plugin for update notifications
- [EN-1107] Add VideoPlayer
method - [UN-141] Move
assigning to constructor - [UN-141] Add Animation and VideoPlayer constructors
- [EN-1080] Fix video resuming on iOS
- [UN-159] Add Add TikTok platform languages
- [UN-159] Add supported languages option
- [EN-1082] Added rendering APIs:
- [EN-1101] Added support for flat convex meshes
Version 0.7.3 - June 15th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1035] Material constructor parameters initialization fixed
- [EN-1038]
with parent now calls callbacks correctly - [EN-1060] Shaders with multiple grabPasses support
- [EN-1037]
fixed. Added warning for case where there is not enough space. - [EN-911]
fixed - [EN-1055] LineRender exception after removing duplicates and leaving only one point
- [EN-1056] Default normals for Sprites fixed
- [EN-1058] Reparent parent object to it's child object stuck in infinite loop
- [EN-1063] Remove shadowcast passes as we they're currently not supported.
- [EN-1068] NPOT texture with wrapMode repeat now prints warning to console to quickly find such issues
- [EN-1069] Unity Playworks Plugin export window assets selected and saved to luna.json correctly
- [EN-1057] GrabPass performance improvement
- [EN-1026]
fixed - [EN-1027] Constructor init method injections for TypeParameter fields / auto-properties
- [EN-1050] Tweak some convex hull checks to be more / less accurate
New Features
- [EN-1066]
implementation - [EN-1064] UnityEvent with property fixed
- [EN-1053] Input touches API support
- [EN-1054] Support
Version 0.7.2 - June 7th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1034] Align Fixed Joint math with Configurable Joint and prevent warm-starting
- [EN-1039] Emit events after simulation and synchronisation to avoid physics state corruption & use stored collision velocity from Goblin
- [EN-1040]
check fix - [EN-1043]
memory allocation rework - [EN-1041]
improvement - [EN-1045] Make SAT symmetric
- [EN-1047]
fix vertices, bounds, aabb
New Features
- [EN-1047]
(only RGBA32)
Version 0.7.1 - June 1st, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1024] Int parsing during missing key value in PlayerPrefs
- [EN-1023] Properly initialize some defaults in joints
- [EN-1023] 3D Physics: general performance enhancements and improvement to CCD performance
- [EN-1028] ParticleSystem breaks AABB for selected mesh
- [EN-1033] Removed per update trail checks
New Features
- [EN-1030] Provide anti-aliasing field to Export Window
- [EN-1023] Implement improved cache for Meshes / ConvexHulls and add mesh versioning
Version 0.7.0 - May 23rd, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-1016]
- [EN-1002] Broken links in scripts.csproj on Windows
- [EN-1015]
init order - [EN-1012] Fix Animator AnyState transitions to same state
- [EN-1011] Expanding string visitor context for explicit serialisation
- [EN-1007] Removing ASII symbols from strings during export
- [EN-1006] Treat collider with empty mesh like a collider with no mesh at all
- [EN-980] Fix scaled
for particles - [EN-981] Fix canvas children AABB position
- [EN-1001] Instantiate does not compensate scale with local scale
- [EN-974] Fix for load constructor being called twice for animation components
- [EN-939] Fixed missing light position access during dispatching light
- [EN-989] Static Colliders
- [EN-987] Improve
- [EN-988]
turns to boxes if vertices are too close - [EN-972] Prevent MeshColliders without mesh colliding with anything
- [EN-950] Account for CoM and triggers in CCD
- [EN-982] Updating mesh instance AABB during vertex update for mesh
- [EN-983] PlayerPrefs returns empty string instead of null for missing keys
- [EN-984] Invoking
event without target results in warning instead of error and does not break flow - [EN-966] Sync hierarchy of moved node instead of its parent
- [EN-962] Prevent re-generating meshes and convex hulls when relative transform of the collider changes
- [EN-957]
fixed typo - [EN-954] Add second run of merging to
and fix normal calculation when face has multiple vertices on the same line - [EN-955] Stop incorrectly using
from Collider class - [EN-952] Particles don't use same uniforms as skinned meshes do
- [EN-948] Make
emit events for each shape pairs individually - [EN-940] Colliders no longer affecting up with constants
- [UN-141] Fix
enumerator issue (Export failure) - [EN-968] Disabled hierarchy component do not sync in blend probes update
New Features
- [EN-994] Use updated Goblin API
- [EN-965] Added
API - [EN-1010] Exposing time property in
- [EN-970] Exporting textures with default format option
- [EN-985] Image set native size
- [EN-977] Instantiate material
- [EN-976] Texture APIs:
;Texture2D.Apply(bool, bool)
- [EN-986]
- [EN-992] Implement VertexLM pass
- [EN-962] Increase amount of shift needed to cause collider re-calculation
- [EN-961] 3D Physics: Refactor collision cache & other performance improvements
- [EN-969] Export
- [EN-945] Rebuild Vendor Packages
- [UN-152] Auto-instantiate Prefabs Fix
- [EN-963] Prevent some constant properties from being changed
- [EN-964] Wheel collider APIs:
- [EN-971] Add missing APIs to
- [EN-960]
API - [EN-953] Add force override method with x,y,z signature
- [EN-951] Added
Version 0.6.4 - April 27th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-861]
- [EN-854] Refactored Coroutines with additional tests
- [EN-823]
API update - [EN-865] Missing entity on component set, it's safe to assume previous state as false
- [EN-898] Fixed race condition where video texture width and height is undefined
- [EN-897] Collision callback was being delivered to colliders in children of a GameObject which contains a Rigidbody - collision is now sent correctly up the hierarchy
- [EN-902] Wrong shader variants association with pass - Shader exports all variants for the same lightmode (previously, some variants were missing)
- [EN-705] Rewrite inertia & centre of mass calculations to improve accuracy
- [EN-908] Audio source set to play on awake missed enabled game object check
- [EN-916] Canvas component now correctly updates after screen resize (or rotation)
- [EN-859] Modify Transform Callback
- [EN-919] Animator now resets on OnEnable
- [EN-270] Made improvements to
( "Parent/Child" ) - [EN-699] Defining layer fields in GraphNode
- [EN-766] Show warning when Destroy is called on a Transform
- [EN-900] Added missed parenting in GameObject constructors
- [EN-922] TextAssets export paths fixed to use
- [EN-909]
is now inherited fromYieldInstruction
is implemented - [EN-863] External sources linking problem
- [EN-910] Missing reference to engine project in scripts.csproj when it is opened by VS
- [EN-924] Rvalue check worked incorrectly when we have return T as the result of a function
- [EN-928] Bounds didn't take in account null during equal check
- [EN-929] Unboxing number with cast to Int64 now works correctly
- [EN-869] Tweak solver & PCM
- [EN-927] Sync colliders and bodies upon creation and support
. PreventautoSyncTransform
for static colliders from happening before they are added to the adapter - [EN-930] Picking up device width/height and invoking canvas resize on canvas enabled
New Features
- [EN-914] Added
- [EN-915]
Type, object, string) - [EN-912]
- [EN-905]
implemented - [EN-639] Multiple shader pass with same lightmodes
- [EN-420]
with custom shader - [EN-116]
- [EN-48]
Unity Component - [EN-868] Input keyboard
- [EN-903]
- [EN-857] Parse, tryParse now works with with
for int, byte, sbyte - [EN-913]
Version 0.6.3 - April 7th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [UN-149] Fix config clearing on assets renaming
- [EN-767] Optimizing
- [UN-146] Fix asset fields section serialization
- [LPG-338] Update "Docs" link in top-bar dropdown
- [EN-684] CCD improvements
- [EN-844] Fixed indexer typo in
. TypeError innewtonsoft.json.js
when deserializing some types - [EN-846] TMP no longer ignores alpha from canvas
- [EN-845]
and canvas order corrected - [EN-831] Zero scale in transform leads to NaN-s in world rotation quaternion
New Features
- [EN-116]
- [EN-687]
API - [EN-848]
implementation - [EN-849]
( int idx ) - [EN-850]
( int submesh, bool applyBaseVertex ) - [EN-851]
- [EN-852] Coroutine
- [EN-853]
- [EN-841] Implement
. Add video resolution and frame rate - [EN-691] Animator API implementation for Spine 3.6
Version 0.6.2 - April 1st, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-840] Plain
in UI hierarchy causes exception - [EN-842] Problems with UI input and draw order fixed
- [EN-836]
low performance fix - [EN-833]
is not serialized correctly - [EN-821] Mesh generation
fix - [EN-827] Performance improvements for UI
- [EN-830]
applying properties from animation
New Features
- [EN-116]
- [EN-116]
- [EN-116]
- [EN-790] Align joint's math with PhysX
Version 0.6.1 - March 27th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-825] Reparenting element without graphic with null canvas
- [EN-822]
was incorrect if grabbed from prefab - [EN-818] UI was updating hierarchy multiple times per frame - fixed
- [EN-817]
- performance boost on any stencil operations - UI masks/custom shaders with stencil - [EN-826]
removes Element manually and can cause crashes - [EN-824] Simplification in GJK to account for iteration limit
- [EN-800] Int parse&store that is used as for script execution order
- [EN-794]
API - [EN-799]
, null parent transform check for moving to scene root - [EN-784] Improve method for obtaining minified property names to increase performance
New Features
- [EN-116]
Version 0.6.0 - March 23rd, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-766]
refactor - [EN-788] Coroutine no longer called twice if started before Update
New Features
- [EN-116] Physics2D shapecasts implemented
- [EN-103] Rigidbody interpolation modes implemented
- [EN-784] Physics engine minification to reduce Unity Playworks Plugin Engine footprint
- [EN-781] Detect raycast hit when ray hits edge of a triangle
- [EN-786] Vector2/Vector3 divide and multiply operators implemented
Version 0.5.0 - March 16th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-731] Catching video play errors in promise for
- [EN-731] Add promise undefined check for video
- [EN-768] Exclude arrays with rank != 1 from serialization
- [EN-717] Callbacks and scene loading order
- [EN-770] Fixed incorrect assumptions for colliders' size on creating
- [EN-775] Fix
not rendering after reparenting - [EN-777] UI Graphic unregister fails on destroy
New Features
- [EN-632] ScrollRect and Slider implementation
Version 0.4.4 - March 11th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-717]
now supports more complex scene situations, including additive loaded scenes - [EN-761]
shape collisions reworked - [EN-116]
no longer rendered as a quad - [EN-764] Set box collider size when invoked with
- [EN-761] Store all constraints in
, even if both bodies are kinematic - [UN-145] Add checkbox to Plugin UI for enable / disable additional generic check
- [EN-760] Unused transform node generation for renderers removed
- [EN-464]
are now supported! - [UN-144] Added option in Plugin UI to include sources for compilation from outside sources
Version 0.4.3 - March 6th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-678] Multiple improvements for convex / non-convex meshes
- [EN-683] Added several wakeUps in setters
- [EN-634] Multiple performance improvements
- [EN-677]
fixes - [EN-116] Mass Fixes
- [EN-116] Disabled bodies Callbacks fix
- [EN-116] Fixed raycast issue
- [EN-484] Correct transform positioning for Canvas hierarchy
- [EN-756] UI text vertical overflow
- [EN-757] Overlay Canvas sorting order
- [EN-676] Camera/World space Canvas rendering
- [EN-745] Revise UI
callback handling - [EN-697]
is missing if initialized with empty string - [EN-743]
crash with min > max and negative min-max fix - [EN-710] Unity Playworks Plugin export window improvements
- [UN-143] Fix Unity Playworks Plugin config clearing the after export
- [EN-747] Particles AABB calculation. Fixes unintended culling
- [EN-730] Particle sort order zdist based on abb fix
- [EN-746] Culling layer initialization fix
- [EN-728] Unscaled Time evaluation
- [EN-725] GC collect & Graphics default constructor
- [EN-726] Text Asset
override - [EN-727]
invoke without args - [EN-731] Catching play errors in promise for
- [EN-706] Platforms size breakdown improved
- [EN-673] Add ability to disable
from config - [EN-718]
hierarchy desync - [EN-694]
field - [EN-698]
without duplication fix - [EN-696]
missed on deserialization - [EN-662] Matrix4x4 determinant and
API - [UN-139] Fix Playworks Plugin package minify errors
- [EN-341] Review Unity uniforms supplied to shaders
- [EN-585] Add/Get Components cleanup
- [EN-701]
calculated wrong alignment on main row/column - [EN-693]
New Features
- [EN-744]
API - [EN-477] Add missing physics APIs and overloads
- [EN-664]
APIs - [EN-116] Concave polygons support
- [EN-116] Capsule Shape
- [EN-687]
API - [EN-482]
support, including nested groups - [EN-679]
API - [EN-631] Add implementation of
- [EN-721] Added support for
Version 0.4.2 - January 29th, 2020
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-674]
correct rendering after transform changes - [EN-665]
stub without exception - [EN-106] Bridge.NET update: Errors in coroutines should not break flow, catching exceptions from user code MonoBehaviours, Added method overloads emitting
- [EN-629]
support - [EN-505]
implementation - [EN-657] Adding missing APIs and enums for
- [EN-657] Support for human bones in Animator
- [EN-661] Dix for missing metadata on basic objects vectors, color, mat, quat
- [EN-658] Force C# language version limit to 7.0
- [UN-132] Fix JSON Infinity values serialization
- [EN-625] Unity Playworks Plugin web server restart after scripts reload
- [EN-573] Properly handle
( GameObject ) /Destroy
( Rigidbody ) calls - [EN-671]
fixed to select camera based on tag - [EN-637] Vector2/Vector3 API full implementation
- [EN-655] Animation Curves: Fix Infinity tangents
- [EN-668] Stencil states corrected
- [EN-652] Remove name from component DTO (removes unused data from serialized build)
Version 0.4.1 - January 23rd, 2020
New Features
- [EN-649] Implemented
- [EN-643] Setting default cached materials for Sprite and Font
- [EN-644] Caching default font
- [EN-642] TextMesh updated using
instead legacypc.Material
- [EN-636] Cinemachine 2.2.9 & 2.4.0 packages and
mock data structures - [LPG-182] Implementing 'frame' event for insights
- [EN-622] Implementing 'bounce' event for insights
- [EN-643] Exporting default font material, if exists
- [EN-646] Add missing modes to
- [EN-643] Setting default cached materials for Sprite and Font
- [EN-627] Support nested bodies with locked positions in post-synchronization
- [EN-605] Support negative scales for colliders
- [EN-616] 2-stage pre-synchronization for dynamic and kinematic bodies
- [EN-621] Allow to create shallow copies of ConvexHullShape and MeshShape
- [EN-116] New Physics 2D APIs - Capsule (without one type of collisions), Velocity iterations get/set, Position iterations get/set, Circle cast (without circle touch points and normals)
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-645] Raycaster returns coords in global space instead local
- [EN-378] Use collider's layer instead of body's layer during collision and raycasting
- [EN-626] Don't try to remove non-registered constraint if body was changed from kinematic to dynamic in runtime
- [EN-616] Prevent excessive entity dirtifying
- [EN-647] Use proper AABB in raycast
- [EN-618] Fixes for
- [EN-621] Fix incorrectly overridden
property - [EN-640] Fix for Deserealizing class without parameterless constructor
- [EN-378] Few minor fixes for layers
- [EN-623] Optimizing uv calculation in raycasts
- [EN-651] Disabled
drawing. Marked as recover - [EN-633] Some general performance improvements
- [EN-635] Fixed slash direction when using path combine for windows environment
Version 0.4.0 - January 15th, 2020
New Features
- [EN-612] Added support for global vector arrays (
family) - [EN-569] Added a set of particle system API methods and properties
- [TOOL-98] Improved performance of ad networks' builds assembly
- [UN-128] Added a comprehensive error message for unsupported
versions - [TOOL-94] Updated version of
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-615] Fixed stencil operation when stencil is configured for both sides of polygons
- [EN-311] Fixed
flag on colliders applying changes in runtime - [EN-611] Added stabs for
culling and MSAA APIs - [EN-609] A more accurate vectors and colors
methods - [EN-600] Fixed physics synchronization orders when bodies are moved from
callbacks - [EN-608] Fixed
property implementation of particle systems - [EN-599] Fixed unneeded de-duplication of trigger and collision callbacks
- [EN-582] Added support for
in 2D Physics - [EN-589] Improved simulation of bodies with nested colliders
- [EN-603] Fixed
class semantics - [EN-602] Fixed an edge case in
property ofUnityEngine.Component
descendants - [EN-601] Fixed
class name - [TOOL-97] Fixed a (rare)
path name too long
occurring on Windows - [EN-539] Fixed
property ofUnityEngine.RaycastHit
- [EN-590] Fixed an edge case of loading files from
folder havingAuto-instantiate Prefabs
enabled - [EN-578] Fixed synchronization of kinematic physics bodies
Version 0.3.3 - December 25th, 2019
Fixes and improvements
- [TOOL-96] Fix missing sln file
Version 0.3.2 - December 24th, 2019
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-588] Fixed material parameter cloning
Version 0.3.1 - December 23rd, 2019
This release of Unity Playworks Plugin brings updated Plugin UI into all Unity Playworks Plugin flavours as well as a few major engine improvements.
New Features
- [EN-475] Support for
method in 2D Physics - [EN-516] Support for body sleeping in 3D Physics
- [TOOL-84] Major upgrade to C# transpiler bringing proper support for generic classes parametrized with
- [EN-545] Major performance improvements of transpiled JS code, including user-land components and some parts of 3D Physics
- [UN-124] A bunch of minor fixes to Plugin UI, including buttons' alignment and links to documentation
- [TOOL-89] Dramatic speed up of Playground builds
- [EN-562] Added beta support for
object and related APIs - [UN-113] Added shaders' statistics in terms of size taken
- [EN-552] Better, faster and more reliable
folder handling - [UN-126] A set of improvements in Windows version: no symlinks by default, more reliable permission handling, built-in web server
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-526] Fixed a crash when using Noise module in Particle Systems
- [EN-535] Camera APIs extended to allow for vanilla DOTween compilation
- [EN-540] Improved physics collision algorithm (GJK part)
- [EN-537] Fixed incorrect bounding box value for
- [EN-536] Fixed incorrect initial time of Animator's state when switched manually
- [EN-538] Fixed Play() method semantics for
- [EN-534] Support for
API - [EN-533] Fixed a bunch of inconsistencies when working with sharedMaterial properties of renderers
- [EN-532] Support for
API - [EN-530] Adding missing properties for font styling to built-in text components
- [EN-529] Adding a set of APIs in
class - [EN-528] Fixed incorrect inheritance structure for
component - [EN-524] Fixed
property logic - [EN-547] Fixed malformed renderers (lacking a material) breaking rendering
- [EN-548] Fixed a bug in export failing to serialize cyclic references between scriptable objects
- [EN-531] A set of new APIs for
structs - [UN-125] Fixed runtime crash when font alphabets lack space character
- [EN-561] Added
built-in texture - [EN-563] Fixed entropy source for particle systems' noise modules previously leading to "not-so-random" noise
- [EN-564] Fixed incorrect mouse / touch event blocking by some
descendants - [EN-566] Fixed incorrect transform calculation for nested collider hierarchies
- [EN-567] Added API for getting root objects of the scene
- [EN-571] Added support for
coroutine - [EN-567] Proper support for
API - [EN-574] Improved support for
API family - [UN-127] Disabled
class from being serialized
Version 0.3.0 - December 6th, 2019
This release of Unity Playworks Plugin brings updated Plugin UI into all Unity Playworks Plugin flavours as well as a few major engine improvements.
New Features
- [EN-463] Support for Continuous Collision Detection in Physics engine!
- [UN-98] Plugin UI now has links to documentation next to most of Plugin UI parts
- [UN-85] Preview version of Dead Code Elimination is now available!
- [UN-93] Plugin UI now can upload builds to Unity Playworks Plugin Playground
- [UN-99] Many improvements to Plugin UI: cleaner structure, more specific error messages, new Unity Playworks Plugin Expert diagnostics and so on
- [UN-113] Plugin UI now has build size breakdown for easier estimation of assets' sizes
- [EN-519] Added time property to Video component
- [EN-518] Added a bunch of (previous missing) APIs like Mathf.PingPong, Random.rotation and so on
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-523] Fixed a bug with reset of loop flag on Video components
- [EN-522] Fixed a bug with CapsuleCollider properties on C# side
- [EN-514] Fixed a bug in cast operators (Vector3 to Vector2) failing under specific conditions
- [EN-520] Fixed a bug with reusing coroutines like WaitForSeconds and WaitForSecondsRealtime
- [UN-89] CI now runs tests against "packaged" versions of Luna
Version 0.2.2 - December 3rd, 2019
New Features
- [UN-121] Unity Playworks Plugin can now be placed in arbitrary location on the disk
- [UN-111] Unity Playworks Plugin in Unity under MacOS Catalina now works out of the box
Fixes and improvements
- [UN-100] Default plugin now includes only two platforms: development and playground to streamline the process
- [UN-102] "Shaders" tab in Plugin UI has been removed as it is no longer needed
- [UN-116] Asset explorers now refresh automatically when new assets are added, changed or removed
- [UN-117] Removed warnings caused by force-including scenes
- [UN-118] Fixed broken font settings
- [UN-119] Corrected spelling on Fonts tab in UI
- [UN-120] Custom export settings can now be applied to animations residing in compound assets (like FBX files) and standalone clips
- [UN-122] Fixed compilation errors caused by [LunaPlaygroundField] attribute
- [UN-123] Fixed reflection on built-in math types (Vector2, Vector3 etc)
Version 0.2.1 - November 27th, 2019
New Features
- [EN-338] Refactored Forward rendering pipeline
Version 0.2.1 - November 27th, 2019
New Features
- [EN-338] Refactored Forward rendering pipeline
Version 0.2.0 - November 22nd, 2019
New Features
- [TOOL-82] Our 3D physics engine is now built using Google's closure compiler, which enhances stability and performance of physics simulation!
- [TOOL-80] A more complete MRAID platform support
- [EN-405] 3D joints can now disable collisions between connected bodies
- [EN-438] 3D Character Joint support
- [EN-418] Support for break force and torque in 3D joints
- [UN-79] It's now possible to specify Playground section and its order using a new attribute,
- [UN-67] Having no startup scene selected now provides a meaningful error message
- [EN-450] Mesh-based raycasting support in 3D physics (triangle, barycentrics and texture coordinates access)
- [UN-81] Newtonsoft.JSON (Bridge.NET variant) is now included automatically if the project uses it
- [EN-251] Unity Playworks Plugin now supports
callback - [EN-459] MonoBehaviour's callback invocation order is now 1:1 replica of Unity's (including all quirks)
- [LPG-104] Playground now supports changing playable name and icon via Web UI
- [LPG-106] Parameters section of Version Editor in Playground now supports re-ordering and renaming of sections and parameters in place
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-404] A bunch of stability improvements around 3D joints logic
- [EN-408] Fixed crash in Desktop TextMeshPro shader (outline case)
- [EN-116] 2D colliders bug fixes and stabilisation
- [UN-78] Fixed prefab handling when those are created out of an FBX files with multiple sub-meshes
- [EN-454] Fixed
method - [TOOL-87] Fixed
File name is too long
message affecting some Windows users - [EN-461] Fixed raycasting of 3D bodies right after instantiation
- [EN-467] Fixed ill behaviour of
callbacks - [UN-83] RuntimeScripts folder is now symlinked relatively and is git-friendly
- [EN-472]
method family now properly supports physics components - [EN-474] Fixed handling of
in user's code - [EN-116] A multitude of 2D physics fixes and improvements
Version 0.1.1 - November 5th, 2019
New Features
- [EN-419]
API - [EN-413] A set of casting APIs (
etc) - [EN-401] Partial Cinemachine support
- [EN-74] Mintegral, Tiktok and MRAID deployment support
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-241] More descriptive messages in CLI interface for certain cases
- [EN-355] Half-precision floats for animation clips
- [EN-416] Fixed incorrect draw order upon active status change of UI subtree
- [EN-401] A set of math methods (
etc) - [EN-412] Fixed random sprite sheet row pickup
- [EN-411] Fixed an intermittent skipping of a trigger in Mecanim
- [EN-410] Fixed pointer events' order
- [EN-409] Fixed crash when attempting to play an animation
- [EN-404] Stability improvements for 3D Physics joints
- [EN-405] Support for collision flag on 3D Physics joints
- [EN-399] A set of fixes and stabilization amendments for RectTransform layout logic
Version 0.1.0 - October 11th, 2019
New Features
- [UN-70] Unified support for sprite atlases for both 2018.x and 2019.x family
- [EN-364] Support for "desktop" variants of TextMeshPro shaders
- [EN-366] Added object names' markers to Spector.js output
- [EN-370] Support for debug drawing (rays, wired primitives, breakpoints)
- [EN-371] All user code and basic math structs are now reflectable by default
- [EN-350] An optional setting allowing for half-precision mesh data
- [TOOL-62] Plugin UI enhancements: cleaner log outputs, more obvious error reporting, click-to-open solution file
- [TOOL-61] New preloader UI and additional configuration options
Fixes and improvements
- [EN-272] Proper handling of concave meshes' collisions
- [EN-348] Fixing inconsistent
settings when collider updates in runtime - [EN-349] Fixing
property ofUnityEngine.RaycastHit
object - [EN-344] Improved startup performance of mesh colliders
- [EN-362] Unified handling of collision and trigger events
- [EN-368] Implementing Fade mode of Standard Material
- [EN-369] Fixing
method - [EN-365] Fixing Physics 3D joins (hinge, fixed, spring and character)
- [EN-374] Support for "plain" ambient color (for non-SH shaders)
- [EN-324] A set of startup time improvements
- [EN-381] Fixing
property - [EN-382] Fixing material parameters leakage upon cloning a material
- [EN-376] Fixing collisions between degenerated capsules and other bodies